Vote! is a hybrid social awareness game that aim to spark interest in local issues and encourage players to vote in their respective districts.
Target audience:
- 16 -- 18 years old: Raise awareness and understand the important of voting
- 19 -- 24 years old: Increase civil involvement and share experience with peers.
- 24 -- 35 years old: become better informed voters
The unique aspect about Vote! is that it includes a digital platform that draws from a dynamic data base so the game is always changing and up to date.
How to Play
- 4 players in 2 teams -- the Red team & the Blue team
- Each player can take up to four actions during his/her turn
- Move 1 spot = 1 action
- Place a vote in your colored district = 1 action
- Place a vote in your opponent's district = 2 actions
- Swing a vote = 2 actions + correctly answer a question from "SWING A VOTE" digital card deck.
- Overturn a district = 3 actions + correctly answer a questions from "OVERTURN A DISTRICT" digital card deck. The team must have at least 3 districts to overturn an opponent's district.
- Draw a Magic Car from the digital card deck = 4 actions